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| Convertible Bonds (可轉換公司債)
| | This research utilizes data from the Taiwan bonds market to explore the determinants of return of convertible bonds, *** and ***. Due to endogenous variables problem, this study employs simultaneous equations model to analysis the effect of determinants on the return of convertible bonds, *** and ***. The empirical results firstly documents that transparency is positively associated with *** and ***, and *** is positively associated ***, implying that the higher transparency is, the higher *** and the higher *** of the firm. The reasons that the return of convertible bonds is unrelated to transparency, ***, and ***, but is positively related to market to book ratio and volatility of stock returns are, the main value of convertible bonds arise from stock value. The raise of future stock price will induce the increase of value of convertible bonds when growth opportunities of a firm are higher. We also find that volatility of stock returns is positively related to *** and is negatively related to ***. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | | Corporate Governance (公司治理)
| | This paper founded on three dimensions-***, ***, and ***, included thirteen variables-as the measurements of corporate governance mechanism, and used the net asset value of each share, modified Tobin’s Q, stock price and return on equity as proxy for the firm value. This study examined whether it was appropriate to alternate the integration of corporate governance mechanism with ***, ***, and ***. This paper covered OECD established sound principles for exploring the corporate governance’s impact upon firm value. With SEM method (structural equation model) and samples collected based on 262 Taiwan electronics firms in the year 2006, this research showed that: (1) fitness of each dimension in the model was good. That is, it is appropriate to use the three constructs: ***, *** and ***, as the measurements of corporate governance mechanism and as the indexes proxing for firm value. (2) Overall, the fitness of structural model is good and corporate governance mechanism has significant impact upon firm value. The evidences suggest that a company should make effort improving its corporate governance mechanism and increase its firm value. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | |
| | The authors wish to thank the reviewers who had spent their valuable time reviewing our paper and gave us so many valuable and constructive comments and suggestions. We have carefully read reviewers’ comments thoroughly and done the best to update the paper accordingly. About the content and structure of this paper, reviewer 1 suggested us to remove the algorithms in section 3 and would like to know “how good are your algorithms?” Reviewer 2 asked “how this method could be used in an actionable way by managers and or competitive intelligence professionals.” To resolve all of the aforementioned problems, we changed the focus of this article from “proposing the algorithms” to “what kind of useful information can algorithms provide to decision makers.” We hope this change can better fit the goal of ****. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | | Commercial technology innovation
| | First motive of this study is to explore the content and evolvement of commercial technology innovation in depth, by adopting “***” industry as the research field. This paper aims to give content of “commercial technos, dlogy innovation” a general and concrete definition in the perspectives of *** Theory and *** Theory. Different *** has its own distinguished form and ways of doing business. If different commercial platform is regarded as different mix of commercial technology, different commercial platforms then can have its own advantageisadvantages and market segment. In the past, marketing researchers mostly focused on the market segments of these platforms as a static analysis. The presumptions of these researches are that characteristics of platform and customer needs remain constant. With the *** and ***, the target customer also changes for different platforms. This kind of innovative alternation phenomenon is just like the old products are replaced by the new ones. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | | IC Design
| | IC design industry is currently the technology focus area in Taiwan, which is now one of the tops in the world. IC design industry is mainly led by competences of its manpower. The creation of a star product can make one IC design company continuously to be profitable for several years. Therefore, human resource management is one critical issue for this industry, especially the recruitment of critical manpower. The research method involved *** to understand the current status of Taiwan IC design industry development. Relevant research results in the past have explored and analyzed the success and failure factors of the *** in strategical perspective. Therefore, this research utilized perspectives of ***, ***, and recruitment method to explore current status of Taiwan IC design industry development. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | | Scenario management
| | Scenario management method is a very popular method for prediction of the future since 70’s. Its executive steps are also well known. However, due to the limitation in time, space, location and cost, sometimes, it is probably not easy to held a normal scenario management analysis. To conquer these difficulties, the authors present a modified scenario management method, which combine the concepts of qualified and quantified research methods in the same time and still maintain the validity of the research. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | |
Development, Design, and Manufacture of Robots for Racing on Barrier-Type Track
| | The contest Robots for Racing on Barrier-Type Track is held by the Ministry of Education, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, TDK Corporation. The robots are designed and manufactured with complementary CAD, CAE and CAM techniques. In order to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of the possible problems that may be confronted, we first adopt a personal analogy method [1] in which designers empathically assume themselves to be robots and thus consider the possible barriers that the robots will confront during the contest. This is how the movement and motions of robots are designed accordingly. We convert the ideas into an entity, using Solid Works 2006 software to construct a solid model of the robots. Moreover, we use the Working Model to simulate robot speed and motions. Finally, we use Master CAM, along with CNC Multi Purpose Cutting Machine and traditional processing equipment to manufacture the entity robots. Electrical control is mainly manipulated by forward and reverse rotations of four DC gear motors and by speed control. The purpose is to conveniently control the robots in a wireless remote mode and prevent the robots being limited in movement or suffering imbalance as a result of long cables. | |
Emotional Intelligence
| | Exploration on the topic of team effectiveness has long been attended to. Although many relative concepts about teams and its influential factors have been investigated, the research, which studies the influential competence of emotional intelligence to team effectiveness, is still lacking. This paper tries to explore the relationships, processes, and outcomes betwee=n emotional intelligence and team effectiveness, which are employee satisfaction, team cohesiveness, and efficiency of decision-making in this study. Based on literature review and inferences, five significant propositions are made. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | | Impulsivity
| | This article explores the relations of emotions and impulsivity. Impulsivity can induce pathological behaviors such as alcoholic, gambling, obesity, and other addictive behaviors. Past researches demonstrate people often feel regret and guilty after being impulsive. This article uses paper-and-pencil experimental method to measure respondents' emotions and provide a script to induce respondents' impulsive reaction. Utilizing Chisquare Test and Independent-samples T-test, the researchers surprisingly found people are easier to become impulsive under the mood state of “careless”, and more difficult to become impulsive under “joy” and “anxiety”. Post affects of impulsivity include “joy”, “satisfaction”, and surprisingly “un-regret” and “un-guilty”. It has significant implications theoretically and practically. Reliability is 0.80; manipulation check and Pearson correlations are significant (p**<0.01). The analytical results are discussed and future research directions are also suggested. | | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 |
Denomination and introduction of products |
| | Kaasan means “mom” in Japanese. It means the beginning of a life and the life journey as well. A pure white cloth starts to have colors after the delicated care by “mom.” It is just like the spirit of Kaasan. With a customized system, customers can freely compose their own designs with differenct elements. Also, the color elements used by Kaasan is pretty neat; the “lines” are more casual; cloth style is more oriental way by using Japanes design aesthetics as the keynotes of the style, which evolves a specific Taiwanese style different from Japan. Therefore, Japanese elements becomes design direction leading Kassan design team, which is just like a mom leading her child’s imagination to produce more special apparel. Creativity usually derives from continuous stimulations; originality of creation continuously mingles in one’s brand. One’s idea may just a mess of black threads. However, Kaasan’s logo is neither a confuse, nor an anoyance, it is actually the originality of creativity. By putting on Kaasan, you and I can breath lives into it. | | 註: 本翻譯作品獲得2009年全球創新事業智慧獎 | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | | Consumer Needs |
| | The term “Consumer Needs” has been the center of the discussion for contemporaryMarketing theories and issues. No matter it is about Marketing Definition, MarketDefinition, Market Opportunity, Competition, Profitability, or other core Marketing theoriesdeveloped by Gurus such as Theodor Levitt, Philip Kotler, and C.K. Prahalad, etc., ConsumerNeeds all play an important role. However, most of the theories ever developed emphasizemostly on the importance and also value of consumer needs toward Marketing; the discussiontoward the essence or possible developing trend of consumer needs are comparatively less. | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 |
| | First, the questionnaires of pre-test were collected and conducted with the item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and validity analysis for the development of the official scale. Official data was collected in *** located in Mid-Taiwan. Samples are students engaging in *** jobs and study in the Department of ***. 227 valid questionnaires were collected. The confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and validity analysis were conducted to see the goodness-of-fit between the collected data and the measurement model. Furthermore, the test of structural model was processed to testify the relationships between the exogenous latent variables and the endogenous latent variables. | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | 組織學習(1)
| | Organizational Learning has recently developed as an important academic field. However, disagreements toward definition of Organizational Learning still exist between scholars. The situation is: different scholars will develop his own definition toward organizational learning according to his own perspective, and continuously develop his own ideas about levels, styles, methodologies of Organizational Learning based on the earlier definition developed by his own. The follow-up scholars will develop the extensive topics which are related to Organizational Learning according to different definitions of certain gurus that he agrees with. Thus, the streams of Organizational Learning are formed. This article studies two different main streams lead by the main gurus in the field of OL, who are Argyris Chris and March James G.. The content includes researches on: distinguishing on characteristics of these two streams based on different constructs such as levels of learning, styles of learning, its different definitions, and so on; systematic inducement of these two streams; and finally comparison of these two streams. Purposes of this research are, through the differentiation on the characteristics of these two main streams of OL, to enhance the development of OL field, and prevent misuse on the OL definition, level, style, and practices of these two streams which in some ways are in conflict in certain phases. | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | 組織學習(2)
| | This is first time the relationship between concepts of organizational learning and learning organization is examined. Especially, the author tries to prove that the learning organization should serve as a supportive basis of organizational learning and its activities. Under the support of learning organization, the idea of organizational learning and its learning activities can also be practically carried out. The other purpose of this article is to integrate both concepts of OL and LO into one framework, more than 5 rationales are states. The author think that through the integration of both concepts of OL and LO supportively, theories
of organizational learning is expanded, indeed. | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | | 成人學習理論
| | People are studying how to relate individual performance, group performance, or even organizational performance by the method of learning organization, and try to prove the effectiveness of it. Case in this article Firm A continuously tries to transform its organization to become a learning organization. First time, it uses traditional method and concept (formal and structured trainning and education)to build its learning organization. Later, it finds that the method is good but the fitting has problems. Due to difference of cultural and social context, people in the organization resist against acceptance of the concept. To conquer this problem, the Organizational Development Center of Firm A starts to use a new, humane, and more flexible method to guide the development of its learning organization, the Adult Learning Theory. Evidence shows that building learning organization with aspects of adult learning is a humane and flexible options for firms, in which members seems have difficulties to accept structured and formal learning programs, to adopt when trying to build a learning organization. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | |
高等教育 |
| | This study used information of ***, ***, and*** collected from Taiwanese Academic Institutions to compare the difference between “General universities/colleges” and “Technological universities/colleges” in the perspectives of*** and ***. It found that technological universities and colleges can obtain *** 3.49 times more than general universities and colleges. And in the perspective of “***,” technological universities and colleges can obtain *** 1.33 times more than general universities and colleges. Results of the study appeared that technological universities and colleges” had higher commitment in transferring results of R&D into *** and thus created higher revenue by authorisation than general universities and colleges resulting from less R&D *** involved. Regarding to the development and application of R&D outcomes and industry/university cooperation of technological universities and colleges, this study have some suggestions as references for Taiwan government authorities and *** Institutions which are in charge of R&D, technological cooperation, and industry-academy cooperation. | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 | | |
Culture economics |
| | Through the view of culture economics and by the research method of the *** and data analysis, this study explores the factors of *** in the ***. Referring to the composition analysis of *** (***, 2001) and integrated with the characteristics, marketing system, definition and categorization of local cultural industries, this study developed a structure of eleven factors. It studied the case with the separate perspectives of characteristics of *** products, historical values, ***, symbolic values and social values. The studied case is the counseling case of *** in Small and Medium Enterprise Administration Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan. Some special local agricultural products were also discussed. But the range is limited to the processed food only. | | 註: 基於研究隱密性,重要變數資訊以***取代。 |