各領域專有名詞資訊 ......(2016/06/23) ********************專利領域*************************
專利侵權訴訟 Patent infringement litigation 陡坡法則Scree Test 主成分分析Principal component analysis 向外程度中心性Out-degree centrality 特徵向量中心性Eigenvector centrality 向內程度中心性In-degree centrality 兩階段集群分析 Two-stage cluster analysis 主動性Activeness 被動性Passiveness 訴訟關係強度Litigation frequency 位置內訴訟關係強度Frequency within Position 位置間之訴訟關係強度Frequency between Positions 角色與位置Role and Position 競合關係Competition 節點Node 集群分析方法 K-means clustering analysis method 異數比率準則Variance Ratio Criteria 統計量Statistics 相鄰矩陣Adjacency matrix 檢索關鍵字Search keyword 檢索策略Search strategy 專利大戰Patent war 原告Plaintiff 被告Defendant 臺灣科技產業資訊室Taiwan Science and Technology Industry Information Office 布林運算Boolean operation 科技部Ministry of Science and Technology 資料集Data set 切割值Cut value 對稱矩陣Symmetric matrix 連結數Arcs 階層式集群分析Hierarchical cluster analysis 相似矩陣Similar matrices 同質性Homogeneity 異質性Heterogeneity 法Ward’s method 依變數Dependent variable 自變數Independent variable 訴訟活躍者Key Player 專利蟑螂Patent Troll 被攻擊者Victim 旁觀者Bystander 歐式距離Euclidean distance 購併Merger and acquisitions 交互授權Cross licensing 重心座標Barycentric coordinate 專利組合Patent portfolio 專利數Patent quantity 專利引用數Patent citations 專利引證網絡Patent citation network 機會主義者Opportunist
**************************************眼動 / 聯想專有名詞************************************** 專有名詞 專有名詞之譯文 1. 眼動指標 Eye Movement Indicators 2. 遠距聯想問題 remote associate problems 3. 眼動追蹤 eye tracking 4. 凝視時間 fixation duration (the duration of one fixation on a word) /gaze duration (the sum of all fixations on a word prior to moving to another word) 5. 產生頓悟 Gain an insight 6. 遠距聯想 Remote association 7. 擴散性思考 Divergent thinking 8. 擴散思考能力 divergent thinking abilities 9. 眼動軌跡 eye movement trajectories 10. 連結理論 association theory 11. 創造歷程 creative processes 12. 阿基米德 Archimedes 13. 水的浮力 buoyancy of water 14. 體積 Volume/volume of object 15. 知識 need for associative elements 16. 連結數量 The number of associations 17. 認知或人格型態 cognitive or personality styles 18. 所選擇的連結反應 selection of the creative combination 19. 連結層級 associative hierarchy 20.陡峭式連結層級 steep associative hierarchy 21. 平緩式連結層級 flat associative hierarchy 22. 遠距聯想測驗 Remote Associates Tests (RAT) 23. 類似語意 synonymy 24. 複合字 Formation of a compound word 25. 語意連結 Semantic association 26. 頓悟問題 Insight problems 27. 開放式創意問題 open-ended creative problem 28. 封閉式創意問題 close-ended creative problem 29. 第一類型訊息 the first type information 30. 第二類型訊息 The second type information 31. 實徵證據 empirical evidence 32. 相關性研究 Correlation Research 33. 啊哈(aha!)經驗 An aha! experience 34. 表徵 representation 35. 表徵轉換理論 representational change theory 36. 限制放寬 constraint relaxation 37. 集合重組 chunk decomposition 38. 轉換表徵 changing representations 39. 優勢概念 advantaged concepts 40. 眼動追蹤 eye movement monitoring/ eye tracking 41. 反應正確率 Accuracy rate 42. 反應時間 reaction time 43. 自我陳述 Self-reports 44. 回視次數 regression count 45. 回視率 regression rate 46. 瞳孔大小 pupil size 47. 凝視點 Fixation points 48. 優勢基模 advanced schemas 49. 跳視 saccadic eye movements 50. 外線行為 overt behavior 51. 凝視次數 Fixation count 52. 取樣率 Sampling rate 53. 平均凝視位置誤差 Mean gaze position error 54. 校正測試 Calibration Test 55. 確認測試 Validation Testing 56. 平均答對率 average correct rate 57. 空白鍵 The space bar, spacebar, blank, or space key 58. 平均答題時間 Average solution time/ mean time-to-solution 59. 平均解題次數 Mean solution attempts of remote associates problems 60. 固著區域 stereotypical region 61. 關鍵區域 crucial region 62. 概念類別 conceptual category
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創業導向entrepreneurial orientation 學習成效learning outcome 組織績效organizational performance 分析模型analysis model 教育訓練training and education 家樂福Carrefour 家樂福在台分公司Carrefour Taiwan 研究樣本sample 研究對象subject 經營環境operation environment 資源能力resource capability 經營績效operating performance 個人創業導向individual entrepreneurial orientation 高等教育higher education 創造力creativity 企業大學corporate university 政策結果policy outcome 中階管理者middle manager 創業活動entrepreneurial activity 創業精神特質 創業態度entrepreneurial attitude 內在因素intrinsic factor 策略定位strategic positioning 市場機會market opportunity 生涯錨(career anchor) 工作價值觀work values 學習動機learning motivation 環境論environmentalism 系統管理學system management 管理科學management science 封閉系統closed system 開放系統open system 組織環境organizational environment 外部環境external setting 內部環境internal setting 管理能力management competency 組織結構organizational structure 組織文化organizational culture 外界環境external environment 資源基礎觀點resource-based view 有形資產tangible asset 無形資產intangible asset 競爭力competitiveness 核心能力core competency 企業環境business environment 經營範圍business scope 集體學習collective learning 群體生態理論population ecology theory 關鍵因素critical factor 經營策略operating strategy 經濟績效economic performance 市場需求market demand 創業精神entrepreneurship 現金流量cash flow 庫存數量inventory 李克特七點評量尺度seven-point Likert scale 息稅前利潤Earnings Before Interest and Tax(EBIT) 信度reliability 效度validity 創新性innovativeness 風險承擔性risk-taking 預應性proactiveness 因素負荷量factor loadings 自陳式(self-report)問卷self report questionnaire 描述性統計分析descriptive statistical analysis 人口結構population structure/ demographic structure 地理位置geographic position 來客數the number of visitors 年齡分佈age distribution 年資seniority 行銷費用marketing expense 共同方法偏誤common method bias 組成信度composite reliability 收敛效度convergent validity 特徵值eigenvalue 描述性統計分析descriptive statistical analysis 平均值average value/mean value 標準差standard deviation Pearson 相關矩陣 Pearson correlation matrix 層級迴歸分析hierarchical regression analysis 強迫進入法Enter 迴歸估計regression estimation 迴歸方程式regression equation 迴歸模式regression model 預測變數predictor 迴歸係數regression coefficientency 全能性觀點The Omnipotent View 象徵性觀點The Symbolic View 競爭者行為competitor behavior 產業狀況industry status 家樂福大學Carrefour University 管理能力management competency 行銷資源marketing resources 理論貢獻theoretical contribution 實務意涵practical implication 自由度degree of freedom 訓練處Education and Training Section
*********************行銷領域************************ 產銷協調 Production-Marketing Coordination 利潤極大化 Maximized Profits 供應鏈管理 Supply Chain Management 獲利能力 Profitability 配銷系統 Distribution System 整體最佳化 Overall Optimization 二階段通路結構 A Two-Stage Channel Structure 經濟訂購模型 Economic Order Model 經濟生產批量 Economic Production Batch Model 製造系統 Production System 通路協調 Channel Coordination 前置時間 Lead Time 請購點 Purchase Point 雙向通路供應鏈 Bi-Directional Pricing Of Channel Supply Chain 庫存分配政策 Inventory Allocation Policy 數值分析 Numerical Analysis 最終顧客 End-Consumer 整合策略 Integration Strategy 供應商管理存貨 Vendor Managed Inventory 補貨策略 Replenishment Strategy 存貨水準 Inventory Level 期望儲存成本 Expected Storage Cost 預防保養成本 Preventive Maintenance Cost 補貨週期 Replenishment Cycle 最佳解 The Best Solution 協調生產 Coordinated Production 惡性競爭 Vicious Competition 整合機制 Integration Mechanism ********************精密工業*************************
倒叉避震器 Inverted Shock Absorbers 阻尼 damper 預載 Preload 上下座 Upper and Lower Seats 應力 Stress 荷重 Load 減震 shock absorption 緩壓 Pressure relief 緩彈 Bounce relief 油品 Petroleum products 吸震緩衝 Shock and Buffer Absorption 誠徵 海外經銷商 Overseas Agents Wanted 汽車底盤 Vehicle Chassis 拉力測試 Pulling force test 壓折測試 Compressive strength test 耐久測試 Endurance Test 無塵阻尼室 dust-free damper lab 精密的CNC車銑複合機 precise CNC vehicle milling machine 雷射切割機laser cutting machine 氬焊 argon welding 磅數 Poundage 彈簧 Spring 阻尼調整環 damper adjustment loop 阻尼旋鈕 damper rotary knob 魚鱗焊 scale welding 鋼製外型Steel exterior 大顆針狀轉向培林big needle-shaped turning bearing 耐衝擊不變形against impact and deformation 壽命超長long longevity 保固1年one year warranty 大口徑超粗綫徑桶錐狀彈簧Large caliber ultra-thick diameter cylindrical tapered spring 鉬鉻合金鋼材超彈力係數super-elastic coefficient of chrome molybdenum alloy steel 脂基阻尼專用油 lipid-based damping oil 油封 Oil Seal O環 O Loop 耐磨耗 Wearing Resistance 不滲漏 Leak proof 活塞 piston 貼地性grip 超密度合金鋼材 ultra-density alloy steel 密封性 leakproofness 奈米級研磨超微潤滑係nano-scale ultrafine grinding lubrication coefficient 摩擦阻力frictional resistance 流量閥門 flow valve 魚眼 Fisheye